Lima has been established by LV as its first fund, in March 2020, in order to consolidate the investment and consulting activities of its founders and management team in the form of a true venture capital company, aiming to grow in Turkey and in Europe. Lima has completed 12 investments in 18 months and the fund has been sealed in November 2021.
“Virtual Laboratories” more than 200 science experiments available on VR and PC
“Science Centers, Exhibitions and Experiment Sets”
GES Technology is specialized in designing Science Centers and Exhibitions as well as development and distribution of experiment sets targeting effective STEM Training
“Send certificates on autopilot. Instant share on Linkedin”
Sertifier is a digital credential management software that helps institutions, academies, universities and schools to send digital certificates and badges at ease
“Remote and Together”
Vemaker provides the opportunity to interact in the online world. We created immersive, highly interactive worlds for events, trainings and collaborations. You can now join this experience.
“Sell More. Control Better. Report Now.”
Empower your field team with a Mobile CRM and analyze real-time data from the fields.
“Power your investment with the AI magic.”
next-generation quant tools providing state-of-art portfolio construction, rebalancing, and reporting. Create efficient diversification that can be tailored to a specific investment strategy.
“Get Early Payment For Your e-Invoices”
fastest and easiest technological financing product to solve the cash flow and working capital problems of businesses.
“A Brand New Shopping Experience”
You can try the combinations specially prepared for you by your personal stylist with the help of AI, in accordance with your style and budget, at home, and buy only the ones you like.
“Grow your business with the automation revolution.”
Robomotion handles dull everyday tasks with robotic process automation technology. Delegate your tasks to our software robots and they can work 24/7.
“Make Cameras Cool Again”
Anonymize visual data in a GDPR-compliant way to protect people’s privacy.
“Fun games from enthusiastic people”
Udo Games is a game studio based in Ankara, Turkey, founded in 2013 and since then it’s been a great journey as a studio recalled by its’ games.
“Co-star in your new favorite binge-worthy TV series and films”
offers a unique opportunity for the audience to take an active role in the production of artificial intelligence enhanced TV Series and films with the characters they create: it is co-creation in its newest form.